domingo, 26 de febrero de 2017

Special people

Special people

Students and teachers created this video to show that people with special needs and disabilities can be especially talented. Sometimes the power of will can can be sos motivating that these people manage to excell in their fields.

A visit of an Olympic medalist in our school

A visit of an Olympic medalist in our school
In May 2016 the weight-lifter Pavlos Saltsidis, accompanied by three younger athletes, visited our school and was interviewed by our students. Then, using specially designed equipment,   the Olympic medallist demonstrated some basic instructions of this sport and students had a chance to experience the sport themselves. 

Power Lifting

Power Lifting
At the beginning of the school year and following the ParaOlympics in Rio, students decided to investigate on a special event that they found interesting. Power Lifting was chosen and below you can watch the presentation of students' investigation

Our sports challenges  !

Posters with Olympic maskots and logos

Posters with Olympic maskots and logos

Students from our school investigated on the Olympic games, mascots  and posters and created them during the art lesson so that they were displayed in the Erasmus+ corner.

A visit at the Olympic museum in Thessaloniki

  A visit at the Olympic museum in Thessaloniki

·         Classes from our school visited the Olympic museum in Thessaloniki, where a special museum educator involved our students in role plays and games about the Olympic Games.

jueves, 2 de febrero de 2017

Ημέρα Α.με.Α στο σχολείο μας

A day dedicated to people with special needs.

Several activities took place in our school  on the day dedicated to people with special needs. Students celebrated individuality and equality. They became aware of the problems these people face in their every day life

Visit of paraolympic athletes in our school

Visit of  paraolympic athletes in our school

In our school two deaf basketball players, members of the Greek basketball team that won the European Championship for deaf athletes of 2016 was invited to talk about their sports, the obstacles they have encountered and the power of will. Students interviewed them and played a basketball game with them.